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Welcome, to Airproxy

Let's discover Airproxy in less than 5 minutes.

Getting Started

What is Airproxy?

Airproxy is a production-ready proxy service designed for teams that want to use the data coming out of Airtable in production.

Airproxy was built for customer-centric platforms in mind; what you can build using Airtable, you can scale with Airproxy. OG clients of ours built a variety of services using Airproxy, from education offerings, to form visualisations, a resume review website and much more. As always, the sky is the limit.

We found that Airtable is a brilliant medium allowing non-technical and development teams to work together on the end solution; design the model, add the data and build the user interface.

Let's get started by setting up our account.

What you'll need

The last point is not mandatory, but it will allow you to document and share your API routes with your team. It will also allow you to visualise the gzipped response easier.

Personal Access Tokens

Make sure to include the scopes...

  • data.records:read,
  • schema.bases:read, and
  • webhook:manage

We recommend you use the All current and future bases in all current and future workspaces access control.